Starting February 1st, I am calling our whole church to spend 21 days in prayer. The purpose of the 21 days is to help people establish a daily habit of prayer and learn how to pray by using different prayer models found in scripture. The greater purpose however, is to see a move of God in our lives and church. I want to see stuff happening that only God can do. Don’t you?
Below you will find the 21 day prayer guide for Adults, Youth and Kids for you to download. During the 21 days we want to hear your stories of what God is doing in your life as you meet Him in prayer. Also, you will find a button below for you to click to “share your story”. This will be emailed to me so I can rejoice with you.
On February 21st, at 7:00pm we will gather as a whole church for worship, prayer and hear testimonies of what God is doing. You won’t want to miss this!
Praying with you,
Pastor Ryan
share your story
Share the story of what God is doing in your life as you pray.