Children’s Ministry at Dearborn Free Methodist Church is called Character Town. It is led by a team of staff and volunteers who are passionate about children! Our vision is to introduce and connect kids to God and others, and lead them to help others do the same by helping them develop Godly character and maturity in their faith. We are lead by Luke 2:52 which says, “And Jesus grew in wisdom and in favor with God and man.”
WHere God builds character in us so we look more like him!
By the time kids graduate from 5th Grade we want them to have a grasp of these 3 truths:
- I need to make the wise choice.
- I can trust God no matter what.
- I should treat others the way I want to be treated.
- I need to make the wise choice.
- I can trust God no matter what.
- I should treat others the way I want to be treated.
Sunday Mornings
Engage Character Town
Meet the leader

Kim Smith
Children, Youth, and Family Ministries Director
Kim is Director of our Family Ministries here at DFMC. She leads the Children, Youth, and Family Ministries teams. She has a passion for kids and youth to connect with God and learn to worship, pray, give, and serve all though God's Word. She not only oversees these ministry teams, but she loves to personally interact with kids and youth to help them realize and understand the gifts and abilities God has put in each of them uniquely. Her ministering efforts are intentional to help draw these things out in them, especially in creative ways. She loves to provide amazing opportunities for kids and youth to grow in faith, no matter their age! She believes God has no limits and He has amazing things planed for each kid and student because they are so valuable and important to Him!